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“The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying” by Marie Kondo

“The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying” by Marie Kondo

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying UpThe Life-Changing Magic of Tidying: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing
by Marie Kondo

Every summer our coaching staff meets with Foster Mobley, our leadership coach, to debrief about the season and set the plan for our upcoming season. Every year Foster asks each coach, “When are you at your best?” And every year I have the same response, “When I’m organized.” At which point Foster and fellow coaches, Chris Waller and Randy Lane, look at me and very respectfully say, “So… how’s that comin’ Val?” EVERY YEAR!

UGH! What is my problem?!?! Why can’t I get and remain organized? I like to blame it on the fact my right (creative) brain feels much heavier than my left (analytical) brain. In fact, I’m not sure I have a left brain.

So—to help facilitate change—I picked up what looked like a very promising solution; a small book entitled, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying” by Marie Kondo.

First of all, I liked that it had the word “Magic” in the title. Second, her last name is exactly like mine except she was able to neatly hide that last letter somewhere. This had to be a sign from the universe that this little book was going to “cure” me of my affliction. Or to utilize a well-placed pun, my disorder.

It has been two years since I read this book. In that time I have managed to de-clutter my closet, my bookshelves, my bathroom, plus my sweater and shoe collection. This book gives very specific and simple guidance, which when followed actually works. And, as the book proclaims, by transforming my home into a clutter-free space it has changed my life.

I am much less frantic in the morning because I can actually see and therefore easily choose my clothes. I feel better about myself, walking into my closet and seeing it neat and tidy. And the unforeseen repercussion is that it has a calming affect because the simple act of putting things away in their “proper” place takes a certain pause and mindfulness which feels like a mini-breathing exercise; just like saying “You’re Welcome” (see previous Musing).

I haven’t found any negatives that have come from learning the art of tidying. In fact, the time I spend to tidy is far less than the time I would spend searching for something. Is all of this important? Yes! I have found a less cluttered material world serves to declutter my mind as well.

Marie Kondos’ book (there, I got the last letter in 😉 ) gives straight forward and simple solutions for all of my tidying needs. I highly recommend this read.

Photo by Gaelle Marcel

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Lorraine kushynski
Lorraine kushynski
7 years ago

This book is a life changer for sure!