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Tags: UCLA

Darn Right We’re Good Enough!

Darn Right We’re Good Enough!

I’m always amazed to find things out about my friends that I didn’t previously know. Such as, my dear friend Lieve Olivera is a brilliant writer. While I was visiting Lieve and her husband Hector last weekend we started talking about family, our parents, grandparents, etc. Lieve then shared with me a short story she […]

Bullish Leadership is Dead

Bullish Leadership is Dead

I’ve talked about the book “Mindset” by Dr. Carol Dweck in which she discusses the difference between a fixed and growth mindset. I definitely enjoy a growth mindset and look forward to seeking out something new on a daily basis that makes me take pause and go “hmmmmm.” One of my most recent “hmmmm’s” that […]



Years ago I started noticing that when I looked at a digital clock I would see identical numbers displayed—like when I woke in the middle of the night I noticed the clock read 2:22. This past year, on most mornings, I wake up at 5:55 a.m. even though my alarm is set for 6:15 a.m. […]



Having great friends and family is a gift. They offer a trusted social circle that can put a check on our behaviors. When testing a new idea, concept or behavior, they can safely challenge or encourage our thoughts and actions in a manner that propels our character in the direction we want to go. At […]

How to Move Forward

How to Move Forward

The pen is mightier than the sword. ~ Edward Bulwer-Lytton Words are very powerful. They can do tremendous damage or great good. Words from Judge Rosemarie Aquilina to the survivors of Larry Nassar, repeatedly commending their bravery for speaking up, gave the victims the supported platform to speak their truth. Conversely, it’s the opaque silence […]