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Tags: motivation

Darn Right We’re Good Enough!

Darn Right We’re Good Enough!

I’m always amazed to find things out about my friends that I didn’t previously know. Such as, my dear friend Lieve Olivera is a brilliant writer. While I was visiting Lieve and her husband Hector last weekend we started talking about family, our parents, grandparents, etc. Lieve then shared with me a short story she […]

Bullish Leadership is Dead

Bullish Leadership is Dead

I’ve talked about the book “Mindset” by Dr. Carol Dweck in which she discusses the difference between a fixed and growth mindset. I definitely enjoy a growth mindset and look forward to seeking out something new on a daily basis that makes me take pause and go “hmmmmm.” One of my most recent “hmmmm’s” that […]



Years ago I started noticing that when I looked at a digital clock I would see identical numbers displayed—like when I woke in the middle of the night I noticed the clock read 2:22. This past year, on most mornings, I wake up at 5:55 a.m. even though my alarm is set for 6:15 a.m. […]



Having great friends and family is a gift. They offer a trusted social circle that can put a check on our behaviors. When testing a new idea, concept or behavior, they can safely challenge or encourage our thoughts and actions in a manner that propels our character in the direction we want to go. At […]

Optimism vs. Joy

Optimism vs. Joy

What’s the difference between optimism and joy? That was a question I was asked on the fantastic podcast Finding Mastery hosted by Dr. Michael Gervais, a performance psychologist who has worked with everyone from Olympians to Fortune 100 CEOs. So… what is the difference between optimism and joy? I believe Optimism is a choice ~ […]