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Tags: inspiration

The Importance of a Great Mentor

The Importance of a Great Mentor

We ALL need people in our life who we trust will listen to us; churn and evaluate the information we share without judgement; and care and love us so much that they risk being “brutally honest” in order to help us become the best versions of ourselves. These people are mirrors. These people are sounding […]

What’s Your 0.5%?

What’s Your 0.5%?

Consider that every human on the planet shares the same 99.5% of the human DNA sequence. That makes that last 0.5% an exceptionally potent bit—making each of us spectacularly unique. It seems ridiculous that we would attempt to conform to someone else’s ideal of who we should be when so little of our make-up has […]

Real Talk Not Small Talk

Real Talk Not Small Talk

Does anyone out there enjoy “small talk?” The perfunctory, socially correct Q&A or discussion of the weather. I actually get irritated with “small talk.” I’d much rather be at a social event and introduce myself to a stranger with, “Hi, I’m Valorie. When was the last time you were truly inspired by something or someone?” Or, […]

Life is Not a Dress Rehearsal

One reason it is unnerving to be interviewed is because you only get one take… Like Life. As I share this interview that I did with Josh Smith, host of the B.A.M. show, I realize why so many of us don’t like to “put ourselves out there.” When answering questions on the spot, it’s hugely […]