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Tags: happy

The Contagion of Kindness

The Contagion of Kindness

The most amazing consequence of Kindness is that it is IMMEDIATE! The moment you are kind to another, whether in thought or deed; the infusion of inner calm, peace and spiritual warmth is instantaneous. Kindness is contagious without the need for incubation. The feeling that comes from invoking kindness is an amazing phenomenon. It’s actually […]

The Core of Holiday Cheer

The Core of Holiday Cheer

I view the holidays the same way I view Pilates: strengthening my mind, body, soul and spirit from the inside out. Pilates fortifies my body starting with all the muscles that wrap around my core and pelvis, which elongate and stabilize my skeletal system—much like the roots of a tree. From there I notice the […]

Grateful vs. Gratitude

Grateful vs. Gratitude

I was asked to speak about Gratitude the other day along with Carol Bakhos, chair and director of the Center for the Study of Religion program at UCLA and Alex Korb, a neuroscientist, writer and coach on the study of happiness. The discussion that ensued was fascinating. Korb revealed exciting yet not surprising facts about […]

Bloopers & Blunders: Join the Squad

Bloopers & Blunders: Join the Squad

With all the strife we are encountering in the world and in our country, I’m in need for a little comic relief. Bloopers and blunders. We all have them. The “I Love Lucy” episodes in our life that couldn’t have been more awkward or comedic if we’d tried to write the script. Here’s one of […]

What’s Your 0.5%?

What’s Your 0.5%?

Consider that every human on the planet shares the same 99.5% of the human DNA sequence. That makes that last 0.5% an exceptionally potent bit—making each of us spectacularly unique. It seems ridiculous that we would attempt to conform to someone else’s ideal of who we should be when so little of our make-up has […]