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Real Talk Not Small Talk

Real Talk Not Small Talk

Does anyone out there enjoy “small talk?” The perfunctory, socially correct Q&A or discussion of the weather. I actually get irritated with “small talk.” I’d much rather be at a social event and introduce myself to a stranger with, “Hi, I’m Valorie. When was the last time you were truly inspired by something or someone?” Or, “Hi I’m Valorie. What’s the last great book you read?”

If you’re in agreement let’s play conversation. “Hi, I’m Valorie… (pick a question(s) and share your response. Feel free to add a question of your own.)

1. What do you love about your dorkiest self?

2. If you could throw a word and it’s meaning out of the English language, what word would it be and why?

3. Are you more interested in being liked or respected? Do your actions support this statement?

4. If you couldn’t use your phone or internet for the week, what would you accomplish?

5. If you could change careers, what would you do?

6. What’s the worst mistake you’ve ever made? Have you forgiven yourself and truly let it go?

7. What country—other than your current one—would you want to live in and why?

8. If you had one super power, what would it be?

9. What’s the greatest compliment you would give yourself?

10. Do you believe that leaders are made or born?

Good conversations inspire intrigue. Good conversations make you think about your own understanding of the world. Good conversations expose perspectives to you that were previously opaque. At best, small talk acts as a social courtesy. Let’s skip the chit chat and aspire to a more thoughtful and deeper understanding of each other and ourselves.

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Brittany Mullenary
Brittany Mullenary
7 years ago

I had to come back because I realized I had another answer to one of your questions. If I could eliminate a word from the English language it would be Lazy. This word has such a negative and hurtful feel when used toward people. A wise person once told me that there really isn’t such a thing as being lazy. If people aren’t doing something, there is a reason why. I think of Ariana Berlin who I heard would take fewer turns when training in the gym. If someone didn’t know better they would say that she was being lazy… Read more »

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