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“Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Dr. Carol Dweck

“Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Dr. Carol Dweck

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success“Mindset: The New Psychology of Success”
by Dr. Carol Dweck

I’m only 24 pages into this book, but I am so excited I can’t wait to share!

The author, Dr. Carol Dweck, is a world-renowned psychologist who studies achievement and success and has discovered that far greater than our abilities, talent or intelligence, it is whether we approach our goals with a FIXED or GROWTH mindset that ultimately brings us the greatest fulfillment in our lives.

Dr. Dweck has learned we either have a fixed mindset where we set out to prove our intelligence and/or talent, or we have a growth mindset that focuses on learning and stretching our talents and abilities. This psychology is fascinating to me because it explains a lot of what I’ve always thought about Failure and what I discussed in my Get to vs Have to and Act As If musings.

Our Mindset is simply a belief we choose. In the fixed mindset, setbacks are classified as “failing.” Everything from receiving a poor grade, to getting fired, to “losing” the gold medal and settling for silver is seen as “failure.” Taking these exact same circumstances and flipping the mindset from fixed to growth—these same outcomes take on a whole new light and become inspiration and motivation.

With the growth mindset, being able to process and learn something new eliminates the prospect of failure because everything—including setbacks—become an opportunity. The growth mindset allows a life of continuous stimulation and wonder. Choosing to have a growth mindset opens up a world of possibilities beyond the traits I’ve always resigned to have.

I love the immediate challenge that comes with cognitively embracing a growth mindset. No more excuses that I’m not smart enough, good enough, talented enough or blessed enough. I simply am smart, good, talented and blessed and choosing a growth mindset acknowledges that there are no limitations to my talents, intellect or abilities.

I can’t wait to see what thoughts and creativity the next 264 pages in “Mindset” provide. So what’s your mindset?

Photo by Gaelle Marcel

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[…] talked about the book “Mindset” by Dr. Carol Dweck in which she discusses the difference between a fixed and growth mindset. I definitely enjoy a […]

Casey Magnesium
Casey Magnesium
8 years ago

One of my favorite (and most motivating) cheerleading coaches quoted this book often. Flipping my personal mindset from fixed to growth was a HUGE turning point for me. Not just on an athletic level, but on a personal level. He actually wrote an amazing book about tumbling blocks that, in part, discusses fixed mindsets and how they can create to these mental blocks. https://www.amazon.com/unBlocked-Walls-Come-Tumbling-Down/dp/1530496691 I still fall back into a fixed mindset at times, especially when I am stressed. In fact reading this was a great reminder to put myself in the frame of mind. I’m going to make it… Read more »

8 years ago

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8 years ago
Reply to  Miss Val

Hindsight is always 20/20, right? Lol. As you know, I’m going through a medical thing that is draining me physically & mentally. As hard as it is, I’m getting through it. I’m even getting through it with a positive outlook. But what I was realizing is the more positive I got (or pretended to be) or the more progress I made, the more resentful he became. He made hurtful remarks about not wanting to have to take care of me, which is so absurd because I don’t need anyone to take care of me and I’ve never asked him or… Read more »

Shari Mills
Shari Mills
8 years ago

Growth mindset! I love this! This is a mental switch you can flip from FIXED to GROWTH no matter your age, your situation, your dreams. If I look back and ponder the times I had the biggest heartbreak about my “failures” it’s because I had fully entrenched myself in every negative connotation of that shift or change in my life. I felt like every single person around me, whether they knew me or not, could see the badge of failure pinned to my chest and it infected me like a virus. Of course, I realize a lot of the emotions… Read more »

Nathan Fulcher
Nathan Fulcher
8 years ago

As a teacher, this is a mindset I’m constantly trying to both remind myself of and instill within my students. The world of education is filled with different philosophies (some of them contradictory) but this seems to be one that has the best interest of students and their growth at its core. If you get a chance, a great supplement to Dweck’s book is her Ted Talk. I show this to my students at the beginning of the year to let them know how I expect them to approach their learning and ability to improve.

Brittany Mullenary
Brittany Mullenary
8 years ago

I am currently student teaching in a 5th grade class and my master teacher is using this concept. She has her students write once a week about their Growth Mindset moments and it has been very interesting to learn about what they believe those to be! I hope when I have my own classroom someday that I can do this too!

Amy Erickson
8 years ago

“No more excuses that I’m not smart enough, good enough, talented enough or blessed enough. I simply am smart, good, talented and blessed and choosing a growth mindset acknowledges that there are no limitations to my talents, intellect or abilities.” Such truth in those two sentences! We’ve actually been teaching this to our students this year, especially those who are struggling or in our intervention classes. It is fascinating to watch not only their mindsets shift, but their vocabularies as well. What an amazing thing to teach them this as such a young age, whereas I’m battling to switch my… Read more »