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Gratitude & Guerrillas

Gratitude & Guerrillas

I was fortunate to have the opportunity at UCLA to sit down with some of the brightest minds in the world to discuss the power of gratitude. It was fascinating to participate in the conversation and to glean insights from experts in complete opposite fields: Carol Bakhos is Professor and Chair of the Program in the Study of Religion, plus an author; and Alex Korb is a Neuroscientist, adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, he’s also an author. I love how Gratitude benefits the worlds of Faith, Science and Performance. Please enjoy our conversation below:

In continuing the theme of being grateful… we live in remarkable times. To some it might seem like things are dire, but if you look around spectacular events are happening. For example, Columbia has entered a peace deal with guerrilla fighters, which has ended Western Hemisphere’s longest war! In fact, for the first time in at least a half century there are no wars in the Western Hemisphere. Imagine that, half of the planet is at peace!

I happened to catch this inspiring story on 60 Minutes about the efforts to end Columbia’s war and how the government hired an ad agency to help assimilate the guerrillas and heal the nation. Appropriately, it was called Operation Christmas. You can view the segment below.

We’re halfway to world peace, I’d say that’s something to be grateful for.

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[…] was smiling at people and putting happiness into the world and that really got me thinking. Miss Val* has talked a lot about choosing to  be grateful for the privileges we have. Over New Year […]

8 years ago

This is such a challenge! Thank you for sharing. I’m really bad for always seeing the negative.

8 years ago

This’s is WONDERFUL! Remind me to look up the name of a documentary I saw on a lady that revisited Auschwitz. She talked about how grateful she was (even at the time) for small mercies that helped her survive. And those mercies weren’t things that anyone would be grateful for! One being that her job was cleaning the outhouses. But she was so grateful because that meant that she had bathroom access without having to wait in line for hours. Attitude is everything!

Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope you’re all having a beautiful day!