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8 Days a Week

8 Days a Week

If you could add an extra day to the week, how would you spend it? I saw this question in the current issue of Real Simple magazine. This is extraordinarily fun to think about! I’d also add, where would you insert the extra day? My extra day would come between Saturday and Sunday. That way […]

A Return to the Desert

A Return to the Desert

The Desert offers a place to shut down, regroup, and come out better than we went in. That’s an excerpt from my first musing on being in the Desert. I was shocked as to how many responded to that musing and how many people I’ve seen in person who have said, “I read your musing […]

Fast More, Feast More

Fast More, Feast More

I know I complain about social media on occasion, but it can be amazingly efficient at connecting me (and others) with really interesting, smart and talented individuals. Case in point, I met Amy on Facebook through a mutual friend of ours. She posts fantastic thoughts on her page revolving around Fasting and Feasting. Here are […]

Addition by Subtraction

Addition by Subtraction

When we think about goals we set for ourselves, it seems logical that the best way to accomplish these goals is through positive commitments. Things we want to do, goals we want to achieve, skills we wish to learn, money we’d like to save and so on. I don’t know whether it’s because I can […]

Save the Earth One Flush at a Time

Save the Earth One Flush at a Time

Happy Earth Day! I was just reminded by one of our beautiful alumna Susie (Erickson) Anon that it is Earth Day. I’m going to use the excuse that I was slow to the honoring of Mother Earth because I make an attempt to be a good citizen of the planet every day. In fact, I […]