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Living With No Regrets Means Taking Action

Living With No Regrets Means Taking Action

Question: Which is more painful? The pain of discipline or the pain of regret? The next question I’d ask is, “Which Regret is more painful, the Regret to Act or the Regret of an action that didn’t work out?” As noted in the book Option B by Sheryl Sandberg, a chalkboard was recently put up […]

How, When and Why Do You Rest?

How, When and Why Do You Rest?

Is your “rest” a bi-product of your work? Or is your work the wellspring from your rest? An interesting and ancient concept. The concept of Sabbath Rest stems from the old testament of “keeping the Sabbath” as a day of giving thanks, prayer, and rejuvenation in preparation for the coming week. Today, it feels we […]

Please Hold…

Please Hold…

I am honored and excited to work on the television special “Jump Jive & Thrive,” honoring cancer survivors and Thrivers. The live show is taping in Pauley Pavilion this upcoming Sunday, Oct. 8th at 6 pm. I hope you can join us! Get more information and tickets here: www.jumpjiveandthrive.com. Our regular musing programming will resume […]

The Awesomeness of Thriving

The Awesomeness of Thriving

You know when you get a new car and all of a sudden you notice the same car you’ve just purchased all over the road? Well, last year I read and wrote a musing on Arianna Huffington’s book “Thrive” and since then I seem to hear this word and concept discussed a lot. I’m currently […]

Grateful to be Thriving

Grateful to be Thriving

I’m always amazed when I learn something that I should already know. I had the immense privilege and pleasure of meeting with the Executive Director of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) in New York last weekend. We met because I am heavily involved with a CBS special honoring cancer survivors and thrivers called Jump Jive […]