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Congratulations, You’re In The Desert

Congratulations, You’re In The Desert

I can’t tell you how many of our student-athletes I’ve annoyed over the years as they sit in my office distraught over some boulder life has thrown in their path. As they sit downtrodden, tears streaming, totally deflated by the latest challenge, I look into their sad eyes with a twinkle of excitement and say, […]

Competing Against Civility

Competing Against Civility

I work in the world of athletics. I’ve always maintained that athletics is an amazing venue in which to learn life lessons. I’ve also always felt that athletics tends to bring out the best in the athletes and the worst in the fans. I’m guilty as charged. I become someone I don’t recognize when my […]

Lighting Your Yellow Brick Road

Lighting Your Yellow Brick Road

Eight days into the New Year, how are things going with your Resolutions? Last week I mentioned how I’m Acting As If because it is a more actionable path. As I have embraced my journey to Act As If I am a “quasi-health nut,” the trail ahead has begun to light up. I feel a bit […]

The Greatest Generation

The Greatest Generation

This past week we observed, with gravity, the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, as well as the passing of Senator, Professor, Marine Aviator, Astronaut, Engineer and devoted family man John Glenn. In listening to the few remaining survivors of the USS Arizona, as well as the eulogies of John Glenn, I am […]

Launch: John Wooden Project

Launch: John Wooden Project

I‘m excited to share in the launch of the John Wooden Project, a new set of tools to teach his Pyramid of Success. This project was done in collaboration with the Wooden family and Success magazine. The John Wooden Pyramid of Success Project is a 10-module program that will teach you, through step-by-step lessons, how […]