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Author: Miss Val

Gymnastics Under Construction

Gymnastics Under Construction

Change doesn’t happen overnight… and anything important in life takes time. For change to take hold, consistency is vital; consistency to a new vision and the discipline and perseverance to stay the course toward that vision. There is no one-hit solution that will make the sports, including gymnastics, or any systemic injustice, better. Culture in […]

Making Fear a Servant

Making Fear a Servant

Why am I having a hard time catching my breath? Do I have “It?” I’m sure we’ve all had thoughts like this pass through our mind—even if ever so briefly—as we attempt to grapple with life during a pandemic. It’s fear. And why not? It’s fear that helps us put on our mask when we […]

Mental Imagery: Not Just for Athletes

Mental Imagery: Not Just for Athletes

Our minds guide our lives. Having worked in athletics my entire adult life, the topic of Mental Imagery is nothing new to me. Whether it’s called the Game Within the Game, The Inner Game, or Mind Gym… it all refers to the importance of using your mind as your greatest asset and not allowing it […]

The Pause

The Pause

“The pauses between the notes – ah, that is where the art resides.” ~ Artur Schnabel When I recently read this quote, it immediately reminded me of all the gymnastic floor routines I’ve choreographed. One of my signature moves was the non-move. The stillness. The pause. I’ve had people make fun of my choreography for putting in the “Miss Val pause […]

This Too Shall Pass

This Too Shall Pass

I imagine we’re all feeling the same wave of emotions only in vastly, varying degrees. When I’m asked “How are you doing?” My response is always crystal clear… “I am fine. Bobby and I are fine. I am just extremely concerned, sad and anxious for those people who aren’t fine.”  My mind bounces from trying […]