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Tags: mindfulness

What to Pack When the World Burns

What to Pack When the World Burns

Less than a week ago the hills around my home were on fire. On Wednesday we were told to prepare to evacuate. With ALL that is going on in our world, and most recently with the Southern California fires, I keep hearing the Hamilton song “A World turned Upside Down”—yes, I continue to be obsessed. […]

The Reverse Bucket List

The Reverse Bucket List

I’ve been reading about the concept of the Reverse Bucket List. A Reverse Bucket List is basically a collection of your greatest hits and memories to serve the purpose of alleviating any stress your future Bucket List might hold. Essentially, you will be encouraged and inspired to keep chipping away at your dreams when you […]

Presence Through Appearance

Presence Through Appearance

I‘m at the LAX airport waiting to board a plane to New York. I’m meeting my publisher, Hachette, to get feedback on the first few chapters of my upcoming book. As I’m waiting to board the plane and frequently checking the weather app on my phone for the storm that’s hitting New York; I crack […]

How, When and Why Do You Rest?

How, When and Why Do You Rest?

Is your “rest” a bi-product of your work? Or is your work the wellspring from your rest? An interesting and ancient concept. The concept of Sabbath Rest stems from the old testament of “keeping the Sabbath” as a day of giving thanks, prayer, and rejuvenation in preparation for the coming week. Today, it feels we […]

The Awesomeness of Thriving

The Awesomeness of Thriving

You know when you get a new car and all of a sudden you notice the same car you’ve just purchased all over the road? Well, last year I read and wrote a musing on Arianna Huffington’s book “Thrive” and since then I seem to hear this word and concept discussed a lot. I’m currently […]