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Author: Miss Val

“Show Your Work” by Austin Kleon

“Show Your Work” by Austin Kleon

Austin Kleon has uniquely profound insights on life: how to view it, how to maneuver through it, and how to own it. “Show Your Work” is exemplary in all these points. Specifically, Kleon discusses how to get noticed in this ever-changing world of technology and what it really means to be a “creative.” If you […]

The Contagion of Kindness

The Contagion of Kindness

The most amazing consequence of Kindness is that it is IMMEDIATE! The moment you are kind to another, whether in thought or deed; the infusion of inner calm, peace and spiritual warmth is instantaneous. Kindness is contagious without the need for incubation. The feeling that comes from invoking kindness is an amazing phenomenon. It’s actually […]

The Art of Fogging

The Art of Fogging

My mom died when she was 53—I was 25 years old at the time. It wasn’t her early departure from this earth that reminds me of how finite time is, it is her lasting wisdom. One lesson she instilled is that you don’t owe anyone an explanation for why you do or don’t want to […]

Competing Against Civility

Competing Against Civility

I work in the world of athletics. I’ve always maintained that athletics is an amazing venue in which to learn life lessons. I’ve also always felt that athletics tends to bring out the best in the athletes and the worst in the fans. I’m guilty as charged. I become someone I don’t recognize when my […]

Inspired By Her

Inspired By Her

One of my most favorite interviews was conducted last week by Mandy Close, the woman who has produced the podcast “Inspired By Her.” Each week she interviews accomplished and inspiring woman who share their stories. In my interview she asked insightful questions that touched on how I got to UCLA, my relationship with Coach Wooden […]